Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tech News For: Feb. 23, 2005

A slow week in news I must say...
  • New iPods!!!
    Apple released the highly waited upgrade to the mini and photo lines today.
    The iPod mini got an upgrade to 6GB and priced at $249, and the 4GB version is going to be around now only for $199.
    The iPod photo comes in two sizes: 30 GB and 60GB, priced at $349 and $449 respectively.
    The iPod is now in 20GB country and costs about $299.

    Link: Apple
  • Gaming
    For the gamers out there, the rumor mill has been turning up news. The Xb0x 2 is now called the Xbox 360 and coming with wireless controllers. Joystiq has a good article talking about how wireless the Xbox 360 will be.

    Link: Joystiq
  • Bye-Bye PDA
    Sony is going to quit the PDA industry, so the new Clie will never be released in the US. Extremetech has more in detail.

    Link: Sony quitting PDA industry

  • Paris Hilton's Sidekick gets Hacked!
    Everyone knows this, so no mention necessary here. Uneasy Silence has the pics and the list available. NSFW, be forwarn. Oh, and T-Mobile...get better IT guys and security.

    Link: Paris Hilton's Sidekick gets Hacked!
So thats it for this weeks edition.
I'm getting the article ready for blocking pics on the web so look out for that.
Thanks to everyone for your loyality to this website. It means a lot to me.
Well, lets stop being sappy, and say the closing....techferret out.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Tech News For: Feb. 16, 2005

Well, another week, another week of tech news today....
  • Astronomy fans can take a look at this website for the "Best Hubble Pics of All Time". I have one on my desktop already.
  • Microsoft will offer their MS Windows AntiSpyware free of charge to everyone. Hmmm...Microsoft looks a little scared to me, what with all the free options that work much better and faster too.
  • Do-it-yourself expresso maker....need I say more. Take that Starbucks!
  • And finally, 3GSM was here this week. Look at Engadget's site for highlights. Awesome phones man.
Well, that will just do it for this week's tech news. Not really all that exciting this week, but then again, no news is good news.

And on a side note, I'm looking into blocking downloads of pictures from the net in the coming days, so look out for that guys. Comments are always welcomed, so feel free to speak your techie mind. Till another week, techferret out.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

This Week In Tech For: Look Up.

Ahh...another week, another tech piece.
  • Well, first off, Google has been very busy indeed, what with the hiring of Ben Goodger (Lead Firefox Developer) and speculation about their new browser wasn't enough, they now have Google Maps. I was messing with it not too long ago, and it is great. So long Mapquest and Expedia, well not yet exactly.
  • Carly Fiorina has been let go. HP has voted to release Fiorina from her duties at HP. CFO Robert Wayman takes over. More can be read at CNET News.
  • The "Cell" processor - Very powerful processor created by Sony, IBM, and Toshiba. With speeds up to 4Ghz, very very speedy indeed.

    Link: 4Ghz Processor Unveiled
Well, that's it for this edition of Tech News. A little short, but they'll get better. Til another day, techferret out.

P.S. Check out my techferret pix page. My vacation pics are up from my trip to Santa Catalina Island. See and be amazed.

It Has Been A While

Hi everyone! Well, like most college life, it is long and time consuming, but do not fret...I will continue posting tech on a weekly basis. For those who don't know, I do go to college, and yes I do go out and have fun, but spare time? Not really. Man, a drink would be good right now.