- COMDEX Cancelled Again...
...and again it seems. For the second time in a row, the organizers of the show have decided to cancel COMDEX again. Well, there is E3 and CES at least.
- PSP Released, Hacks Galore
Well everyone knows that it came out, what with all of the commercials and nationwide news coverage, so why cover it here. Simple, Hacks! As fast as it came out last Thursday, hacks were available. Over at PSP Hacks, they have a forum where users can input hacks they have found. Anyone out there wants to give me a PSP? Anyone? Aww...
Link: PSP Hacks Forum
- A Life Without Microsoft...Now
Over at Extremetech, they are running a weekly article on what would happen if Microsoft is no more, and how to survive in the world sans MS Windows. Very interesting read indeed...wars would end, then world peace would be abundant.
Links: Giving Microsoft The Boot: Part 1
Giving Microsoft The Boot: Part 2
techferret out.