Monday, August 29, 2005

Apple Loses Lawsuit Involving iPod Battery Failure

News for everyone that owns an iPod from the 1st to the 3rd generation- a recent lawsuit involving Apple’s faulty batteries has come up to the consumer’s favor.  1st and 2nd generation owners will get half of their replacement fees from apple or $25/$50 credit for the battery.  3rd generations owners are fortunate, they get the battery fully covered if it’s faulty.  The claim form can be found on the Apple iPod Settlement website.  About damn time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tech News for Aug. 24, 2005

Welcome back people! This is the weekly column that I write on Wednesday spotlighting the biggest news in the tech world. Hmmm….a short burst of news I’m afraid to say:

  • PSP v2.0 Is Released
    Sony Electronics have released the update to their sleek PSP today, which added much need features that hackers were doing already. Now there is an official web browser, as well as needed updates…but what about the dead pixel problem????

    PSP Update Page

    [thanks engadget]

  • Protect Yourself Against the Zotob Virus!!!!
    Virus scanner, spyware scanner, firewall, and firefox people. Period.
Alright, that is all I found….gees, the computer industry is going a bit slow I guess…Oh well…Alright everyone, stay informed….<tf>

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Google talk BETA Released!

So it seems like Google has gotten into the IM/Phone industry.  Today, Google released Google talk BETA to the world, and I have to say, the absence of ads makes it worth while.  The ability to talk to someone who has a Gmail account is very nifty and is a great alternative to Skype, just imagine the possibilities this can bring.  Is something up their sleeves?  I won’t ponder that question, so have fun talking to other Google-heads!

Monday, August 22, 2005

iPod (20GB) For $189

Ooooo….I just wanted to inform everyone out there in the Blogger world that a good place to find cheap iPods is in The Apple Store clearance section. Just stumbled across an 3Gen iPod for 189.00 (20GB), a 4Gen iPod for 219.00 (20GB), and a iPod mini for 179.00 (4GB). I would pick one up if I had the money…;)

Edit- Well, it seems like my link has expired… here is the directions to get to the clearance section: Go to The Apple Store, then scroll down until you see the red tag that says sale and asks “Looking for a great deal?”. Click on it, and voila, discounted products besides the iPod. Happy Hunting!

From The Shadows Appears a....Ferret?

……’door opening’……’tap on mic’…….1….2…..1….2…..ok!  Well it sure has been a while, don’t you think?  Where have I been?  Well, I have been around in so cal, exploring the world, which leads me to stray off the path that I once followed.  No, your favorite Blogger was a bit occupied, what with finding a job and all, family troubles, and just wandering the globe (so cal) to find answers to life’s toughest questions like…how many licks does it take to get to a center of a tootsie pop?  I don’t know exactly since the owl was not co-operating at all.  After a little fling with the web (Myspace, flickr, filefarmer [sucks], and website creation) I am ready to come back to the Blogger.  I am debating whether I would like to start podcasting, it would make it much easier for me to do what I like to do, talk to a person.  The freedom would be awesome, and the ability to post at any time with reports would be great…amateur podcasting and reporting.  I would like to hear opinions about this topic, since that is one topic that I am not familiar with at all.  Alright my friends, your leader did not disappear, nor was he dead.  I was just relaxing, taking a break from all the high tension….well, until I talk again, remember this…’                ‘.  That is what we need to think when we are stressed.  Alright y’all, take care….<tf>