Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Gone...But Not For Long

Hello everyone.

It has been a while since I have been on, but what can I say? School has been really a huge part of my life, as has been my new job. It is too difficult to keep this site up, but you know, a change is needed. I have an idea for a new direction for the Daily Tech by techferret, and it will involve some planning, as well as a dedicated server, and some authors.

So this is not goodbye, but a break of sorts. I still want to do this, but I have got to set some things straight, and manage my time better.

I would like to thank the few of you who have supported this blog, and I hope to come back very soon.

So for a moment.....

techferrret out.

Friday, January 20, 2006

What Technology Will Be Like in 2001

...according to a 1989 Compute! Magazine article: scan the custom newspaper that spills from your fax; capture segments of a show you like and put them in a video report for school for $1,000; ISDN will simultaneously transmit voice, video, and computer data. You'll talk to your TV set, and it'll customize itself...

read more | digg story

Sunday, November 13, 2005

TFC #1 Is On The Air

Yes everyone, the first ever podcast from T3K is on the air. The podcast can be downloaded from the new jump page at Its fun stuff, so take a look. Listen and let us know what you think. Thanks everyone for your support.
